EMHC Certification

All EMHCs - Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - must undergo a certification process to participate in the ministry.  A certification is good for three years, after which a similar process is undergone. 

Typically certification is done in-person, but due to the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, certification can be achieved virtually. 

NOTE:  This is not a how-to tutorial.  Certification is meant to give you a deeper understanding of the sacredness of the Mass, as well as provide reflection on our participation in it.

After viewing the following video, please reach out to the parish office at parishoffice@stmarycathedral.org to finish the approval process.

If you have any questions about the video, please contact Beth Hicks at bhicks@dioceseofgaylord.org.

If you have any questions about the EMHC ministry at St. Mary Cathedral, please contact Jean Rooyakker at jrooyakker@stmarycathedral.org.