Training for Liturgical Ministers is open to parishioners who have both an interest and are willing to dedicate the time needed to serve their parish.
Eucharistic Minister
Interested in becoming an EMHC? Or looking to be recertified? Please click here to navigate to our EMHC Certification page.
We are the body of Christ - we are Eucharist for one another. A new year brings with it opportunity to grow in our appreciation and understanding of the liturgy. Becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is one of the most meaningful and relevant ways to grow in our faith. Have you considered that God is calling you to this ministry?
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at weekend and weekday Masses and to the sick and homebound.
The Church needs more ministers to assist at the distribution of Holy Communion or to visit and bring Eucharist to the homebound.
In carrying this Blessed Sacrament to hospitals, care facilities, and to those homebound, we are commissioned by guidelines defined by church authorities to reverently present Christ for the spiritual well-being of Catholics facing limitations.
These guidelines are closely defined in order to avoid potential abuses. With this in mind, homebound ministers of the Eucharist with a pyx will not receive consecrated hosts during Mass for the purpose of taking those hosts to the homebound. Those commissioned and desiring to carry communion to the homebound will meet in the parish chapel following Mass to document their communion call and receive their needed consecrated hosts through a designated sacristan or their representative.
Why are we doing this?
- To better document and track the sacramental and spiritual needs of our brothers and sisters who cannot attend Mass.
- To allow the opportunity of other sacraments such Anointing of the Sick and Confession to be celebrated by the priests of our parish with these documented Catholics.
- To assure that only properly trained Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are visiting and distributing Holy Communion to the homebound or Catholics in adult care facilities.
- To identify and expand our sacramental ministry to include those Catholics who are not being served because of mobility concerns through better tracking and accountability.
- To stop potential abuses of the sacred hosts by persons either through ignorance or by specific intent.
If you have any questions concerning these changes, please contact the parish office.
There is an option of receiving the consecrated host for those who currently abstain because of sensitivities to gluten. This host only will have a trace of gluten (.01%) in order for these breads to be considered valid for purposes of communion. Please visit the US Catholic Bishops website to find out more information on the Church’s response and requirements concerning gluten intolerance and liturgical norms.
This low gluten alternative will only be offered at the communion station which the priest presider occupies (directly in front of the altar). Please orient yourself near this station in preparing to receive communion; as you approach the priest during communion, very briefly tell him of your desire for the low gluten host. Read more
If you have further questions, contact the parish office at 989-732-5448.
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound ...when I was sick, you visited me — Matthew 25:36
Ministers can serve as often as they are available; weekly visits are preferred, especially to shut-in parishioners, although some ministers may serve monthly or twice a month. New ministers can be teamed up with current ministers to become familiar with the service expected of them.
Those who want to serve in the Ministry must be at least 18 years old and approved for training as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Ministry members must be fingerprinted and are subject to a background check. Specific training for Ministers to the Sick is available and highly encouraged.
We are ALWAYS looking for new members in this ministry.
Contact Parish Office
Proclaims the Word of God at Mass and other liturgical services. It requires a desire to know God thru scripture. A lector should be very familiar with reading scripture and be willing to practice all readings as assigned.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Liturgy of the Word for children covers the Sunday Gospels in an age-appropriate and interactive way. The purpose is to help our children grow in the faith of the Catholic church and develop as full and active members of our parish community.
Liturgy of the Word for children covers the Sunday Gospels in an age-appropriate and interactive way. Our Children's Liturgy of the Word begins again on September 8th. The purpose is to help our children grow in the faith of the Catholic church and develop as full and active members of our parish community.
During the 9am and 11am Sunday Masses children (preschool - 2nd grade) of our parish are given the opportunity to be publicly sent forth to retreat to a meeting space for an age appropriate group teaching on the Sunday Gospel. This interactive experience is staffed by adults who use a variety of resources including print media, hands-on activities, role playing and music. This is a wonderful opportunity for young children to learn about the Gospel through their Catholic faith.
This year, we’re excited about the new materials for the program from Holy Heroes.
You can see more on their webpage here.
We are actively searching for more leaders. We need your help in bringing this program to our kids at the Sunday morning Masses. This program offers easy preparation for teachers, is action oriented and fun. Men are especially invited to serve in this vital ministry. For more information on the Cathedral’s Children’s Liturgy of the Word program, call the parish office at (989) 732-5448.
Music Ministries
Those involved in parish life through the ministry of music are comprised of Cantors, members of the Parish Choir, and the Contemporary Ensemble.
The cantor leads the singing of the assembly at weekend liturgies, holy days, funerals, weddings, vespers and other parish liturgical celebrations.
The parish choir, the Cathedral Chorale, is comprised of some 50 singers, with approximately 35 persons present for any given occasion. Anyone interested in joining the choir is welcome to attend a rehearsal, conducted every Thursday at 7:00pm at St. Mary Cathedral.
Contemporary Ensemble
A group of singers and instrumentalists who support the singing of the assembly at the 11am Mass from Labor Day to Father's Day.
To learn more about the various music ministries at St. Mary Cathedral, please contact:
Dr. Wayne Wyrembelski
Director of Music
Men and women with a spirit of hospitality who welcome all who enter the Church. Ushers help people to their seat if necessary and are of general assistance to the assembly. They also take up the collection.
A sacristan is defined as a person who takes care of the sanctuary, sacred vessels and altar linens. At the Cathedral, many people perform these duties which include: ordering supplies, cleaning and repair of vestments, washing and ironing of church linens and altar server robes, replacing vigil candles, setting up for weekend liturgies, cleaning of ciboria, priests' chalices, holy water font and changing altar cloths.
Altar Linen Care
This invisible, yet essential ministry is responsible for cleaning and pressing the altar linens and purificators that are used each week during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Because the manner in which we treat sacred things (even those of less significance than the chalice, paten, liturgical furnishings, etc.) fosters and expresses our openness to the graces God gives to His Church in every celebration of the Eucharist, guidelines are provided in order to ensure that the altar cloths are prepared with appropriate care and respect. Thus, by the diligent care of the altar linens, the Church expresses her joy at the inestimable gifts she receives from Christ’s altar. This ministry is time-flexible and performed at home.
Instituted Acolytes
The instituted ministries, opened to lay men by Pope Paul VI in 1973, exist to assist the priest in the parish, particularly in the liturgy. These men will assist particularly in the distribution of Communion and the purification of the sacred vessels.
The Diocese of Gaylord has recently started a pilot program for Instituted Acolytes. The inaugural class was instituted by Bishop Raica at St. Mary Cathedral on April 27th , 2016. These ten men will serve at the Cathedral parish. “Certain ministries were established by the Church even in the most ancient times for the purpose of suitably giving worship to God and for offering service to the people of God according to their needs. By these ministries, the offices to be carried out in the liturgy and the practice of charity, deemed suitable to varying circumstances, were entrusted to the faithful.” The instituted ministries, opened to lay men by Pope Paul VI in 1973, exist to assist the priest in the parish, particularly in the liturgy. These men will assist particularly in the distribution of Communion and the purification of the sacred vessels. The task of purifying the vessels — making sure that no fragments of the Body and Blood of Christ are inadvertently disposed of — was briefly entrusted to all Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion as an experimental permission about a decade ago. However, that permission was not renewed, so that particular ministry is reserved to acolytes, deacons, and priests. “He will perform these functions more worthily if he participates in the Holy Eucharist with increasingly fervent devotion, receives nourishment from it, and deepens his knowledge about it.” Please pray for those answering this call to ministry, that they may grow in grace and understanding as they serve. --- Quotes from Ministeria Quaedam
Altar Server
Boys and girls grades 4-12 who assist the priest during Mass. Training is required prior to being scheduled to serve. Adult men and women assist with serving at funeral Masses to enhance the worship of our faith community.
Interested in becoming an Altar Server?
Contact the parish office for more details. (989) 732-5448.