Financial Support

We as a parish have been blessed by the Lord in so many ways.  Finances are obviously very important to support our ministries, and we appreciate the generous stewardship we receive from parishioners as well as visitors to our parish. 

As Catholic Christians and good stewards, we recognize that all we have - our time, our talents, our resources, even our very lives - are gifts from God.  We are called to be good stewards of all these gifts, investing them wisely and generously for the sake of God's Kingdom.

Parish Giving Opportunities

Online Giving with WeShare

Online donations may be made at any time through WeShare from the comfort of your own home or any place with internet access. A secure and convenient way to contribute to St. Mary Cathedral.

Give Online with WeShare Here!

Planned Giving Opportunities

Providing a gift to St. Mary Cathedral in your will or trust is a way to leave a legacy and give you peace of mind knowing that your support of St. Mary Cathedral will continue long after your lifetime.  It can also have certain tax benefits for your estate and heirs. 

Contact Pauline Myler to discuss your planned giving opportunities at pmyler@stmarycathedral.org or by calling (989) 705-3569. 

Endowment Funds

Planned giving to established endowment funds, through wills, trusts or other estate gifts, helps tremendously to ensure the continued vitality of our parish and school from one generation to the next. St. Mary Cathedral has six endowment funds that benefit and support the parish and school housed with the Northern Michigan Catholic Foundation:

  • St. Mary Cathedral Building and Grounds Endowment Fund
  • St. Mary Cemeteries Endowment Fund
  • St. Mary Cathedral School Endowment Fund
  • St. Mary Cathedral School College Scholarship Fund 
  • Myler Family Fund for St. Mary Cathedral School
  • Hannah Marie Fund

To learn more about the Northern Michigan Catholic Foundation, visit their website here.

Catholic Services Appeal (CSA)

The Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) is an annual effort that funds the religious, educational and charitable programs of the Diocese of Gaylord.  CSA is many campaigns in one as it enables Catholic parishes, agencies, and programs to continue their ministries here in northern lower Michigan and beyond.  Click here if you would like to donate online.

Read more about the CSA here.

School Support

Snowbird Gala

St. Mary Cathedral School's largest fundraiser of the year.  It provides a unique opportunity for the entire community to come together in support of Catholic school education in the Gaylord and surrounding area. 

Visit our school website for more details. 

Lenten Fish Fry

Join us every Friday during Lent for a Fish Fry (options other than Fish also available).  4:00-7:00pm in the Parish Hall.  All proceeds benefit St. Mary Cathedral School Athletics.

Tuition Angel Scholarship Fund

The Tuition Angel Program is an integral part of the St. Mary Cathedral School legacy.  Through the generousity of parishioners, alumni, school families and friends, this program extends the opportunity of a Catholic school education to all families, regardless of income.

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Special Collections

Retirement Fund for Religious

Aging religious need our help. Senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests have offered their lives in service to others - educating the young, comforting the sick, seeking justice for the oppressed. Today, many are frail, elderly, and in need of assistance. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious supports basic necessities, such as prescription drugs and nursing care. A second collection is conducted throughout the Diocese of Gaylord during the second Sunday in December.

Annual Collection for the
Seminarian Education Fund

This is an annual collection in our parish and is an invitation to the faithful to actively participate in the Seminarian Education of our future priests. Both your prayers and financial support are needed and encouraged.