Online Giving with WeShare

A Secure & Convenient Way to Contribute to St. Mary Cathedral. 

Make your donations without writing any checks.  St. Mary Cathedral uses the WeShare online giving program.  Online donations may be made at any time through WeShare from the comfort of your own home or any place with internet access. Online donations are credited to your tax statement for the end of the year, and you can change your account preferences and donation amounts at any time.

Click to Give - Thank You!


Benefits of Online Giving include:

  • No need to hassle with checks or cash
  • 24/7 web based access
  • Easily schedule recurring donations to coincide with your pay period
  • Credit card option allows you to take advantage of rewards such as air miles or cash bonuses
  • Allocate different amounts for different collections (one-time or recurring)
  • No need to share bank account information because you enter it directly into the Online Giving secure site
  • Allows you to give even if you are unable to attend parish services
  • Contribution amount is easily adjusted as needed
  • View your personal giving history at any time

Frequently Asked Questions


Is WeShare safe?

Yes, WeShare is certified with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS) as a Level 1 Service Provider. We implement the safest security standards for online transactions.

What payment method can I use? 

You can sign up using your bank account, or credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.

What if I feel uncomfortable not having something to physically drop into the collection basket?

WeShare can provide a printable donation slip that can be put into the collection basket that says, "We lovingly made our donation through WeShare."

Can I make a one time donation?

Yes, select the offering you wish to contribute. You will be prompted for additional information.

Can I contribute different amounts to different offerings? Can they be withdrawn at different times? Can I use different accounts for the contributions?

WeShare provides you the capability to give different amounts to different offerings at different times. For example, you can set-up to give to the regular offering every week, the food pantry on the 10th of the month and a donation to the school on the 20th. You are able to use any number of bank and/or credit card accounts for your offerings.

Can I easily adjust my donation amount?

Yes, just log into your personal account and you can make changes to your donation anytime.

How are my contributions automatically deducted from my account?

When you create your account, you enter your credit card and/or bank account information and then specify the amount you wish to contribute. Your contribution will be transferred from your account to the church bank account.

When will my contribution be deducted from my account?

WeShare provides you the ability to select the date you would like your contribution to occur. You will receive an email notification prior to each contribution date, and your account will be debited on the date you specified when setting up the contribution.

If I do not write checks, then how do I balance my checkbook?

You will receive an email notification prior to each contribution date. This reminder will help you to remember to record the gift in your check register on the appropriate date. Electronic contributions are also recorded on your bank statement.

How can I receive a receipt for my donation?

All contributors enrolled with WeShare will receive notification via email prior to all transactions. In addition, an email receipt will be sent to confirm transactions. St. Mary Cathedral will continue to provide year-end statements.

What if I change bank accounts?

Simply login and update your bank account information in your profile.

What if I want to stop using Online Giving?

You can cancel your authorization by deleting your credit card and/or bank account information along with your donation dates.


Still Have Questions?

If you have additional questions regarding our Online Giving program, please contact Melissa Switalski in the parish office at 989-732-5448